Define Symfony access control rules in a database

2 minute read

I was recently at a PHP conference in Odessa where I met many great developers. One of them asked me a question, that the answer was not obvious. His use case was that he wanted to use Symfonys Access Control configuration to restrict access in his application. But he also wanted to configure the rules dynamically.

Since all the configuration in Symfony is cached with the container for performance reasons, we could obviously not allow a use a database to somehow “print” new configuration. We need to do something smarter.

Using Symfony voters

Symfony is using voters to decide access to URL and resources. There are many voters that come with the security component that are using the configuration in security.access_control to decide if the request should be granted or not.

What we want to do is to create a new voter that access the database. How you create a Voter is covered by the Symfony documentation.

use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManagerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authentication\Token\TokenInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\Voter\VoterInterface;

class MyDynamicAccessVoter implements VoterInterface
    private $em;
    public function __construct(EntityMangerInterface $em)
        $this->em = $em;
    public function vote(TokenInterface $token, $subject, array $attributes)
        if (!$subject instanceof Request) {
            return self::ACCESS_ABSTAIN;

        $uri = $subject->getUri();
        $roles = $token->getRoles();
        // TODO implement your logic here.
        if (/* Has access */) {
            return self::ACCESS_GRANTED;
        if (/* No access */) {
            return self::ACCESS_DENIED;
        // Vote "abstain" if we do not know
        return self::ACCESS_ABSTAIN;

This class should be registered in the service container. If you are using Symfony 4 with the standard services.yaml it will be registered automatically. If you need to register it manually, remember to add the security.voter tag.

        arguments: ['@doctrine.orm.entity_manager']
          - 'security.voter'

You also need to tell Symfony that you are using a access control:

         - { path: ^/admin }

The MyDynamicAccessVoter will now be executed for every URL that starts with “/admin”. You could of course change it to “/” to execute it on all requests.

         - { path: ^/ }

Eventhough this solution is not obvious, it shows how powerful and flexible Symfony’s security component is.



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