Performance test: Bref FPM vs Bref + Runtime component

2 minute read

The Symfony Runtime component is AWESOME. I did a talk about it at Symfony World 2021 where I explain how and why it works. I spent a lot of time on the content and the recording, one can still watch the replay.

Since that talk, I’ve been deploying a few applications on Bref using runtime/bref. I really like building and deploying applications this way.

I did a small test if there is any performance difference between using Bref’s FPM layer compared to using Bref with the runtime component. I tested with a small symfony app. The app is using Twig and the security component. The data was collected from AWS CloudWatch while loading the startpage, login page, some authenticated pages etc.

Layer Type Count Average Min Max
Bref FPM Request 50 4.70 ms 3.34 ms 14.80 ms
Bref/runtime Request 44 2.48 ms 1.55 ms 9.94 ms
Bref FPM Cold start 5 514 ms 484 ms 582 ms
Bref/runtime Cold start 5 535 ms 464 ms 623 ms

From the table above one can see that normal HTTP request (warm Lambda) goes from 4.70 ms to 2.48 ms if one use the Runtime component. The cold starts are a bit more difficult to collect data from. But with 5 cold starts on each function we can see that they are pretty much the same.

So what do these results really say? I do not expect that all applications will run 50% faster with the Runtime component. But it is safe to assume that most applications will do at least 2-3 ms better.

There is however one major difference. The Bref FPM uses PHP-FPM to manage the PHP threads and make sure that everything is clean when a new HTTP requests comes in. The Bref/runtime is keeping the application loaded between requests. This is great for performance, but it also means that you application may share memory between requests. Ie, static variables etc. You must also make sure that your application does not leak memory. Symfony itself is very good to make sure no memory leaks by using resettable services, but your application may suffer from a memory leak. Just make sure your services dont hold state and you will be fine.

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