The Happyr developer blog is maintained by We share our views, our findings and things we think are interesting.
Open source
We are a strong believer in open source. We use it a every day and are happy to contribute back to the community.
The Symfony community has long been the force that drives PHP developer to more modern and stable applications. Most things we do at Happyr is related to this awesome framework.
Recent Posts
Optimize images on S3 with AWS Lambda and Serverless
An image is uploaded on S3, that triggers a lambda that optimize that image and put it back. How hard can that be?
Symfony HTTP Client and caching
Symfony has a HTTP client which differ from other clients like Guzzle, Buzz or clients from the HTTPlug organization. Symfony’s HTTP client is asynchronous b...
Optimize write to neo4j recommendation engine
In today applications recommendations became quite necessary for better audience/customer targeting. So, as you could assume, we have our own recommendation ...
Retry with SNS and Symfony Messenger
In a previous post I described how we are using Amazon SNS with Symfony Messenger. But what I didn’t mention is how we handle failures. Sure, we write perfe...
Symfony Messenger on AWS Lambda
For the past 4 years we have developed web applications with a message bus. The Symfony Messenger component was released around a year ago and I’ve loved it ...
Using NewRelic with Bref on AWS Lambda
Running serverless is great. When migrating our applications to use Bref we realized that we need a non-standard php-extension. With “non-standard” I mean t...
Blocking vs non-blocking fonts
Just the other day I found out about the font-display: swap; css directive. It basically allows you to configure the browser to load the webpage first and th...
Symfony State Machines and Domain Driven Design
It has been just over 2 years since Symfony released their Workflow component. I was of course thrilled by the news and started to work on multiple PRs to m...