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We are a strong believer in open source. We use it a every day and are happy to contribute back to the community.

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The Symfony community has long been the force that drives PHP developer to more modern and stable applications. Most things we do at Happyr is related to this awesome framework.

Recent Posts

User as a service in Symfony2

4 minute read

To get the current logged in user in Symfony2 is kind of complicated. You have to do a lot for such simple task. First you have to get the TokenStorage to re...

Continuous integration with Symfony2

5 minute read

There are many great articles that tells you why you should use continuous integration i.e. the one by Martin Fowler and the book This is Lean by Niklas Modi...

Choose owning side in OneToOne relation

2 minute read

Many times I’ve come got to a situation where I have a unusual high query count. When I inspect the queries in the Symfony profiler I can see that Doctrine i...

Hack: Asynchronous programming

2 minute read

Hack has introduced asynchronous programming. This is really great but it is not really documented at the moment. Not at all actually… I’ve done some experim...


1 minute read

A tuple is very similar to a PHP array and a shape. The key feature of tuples is that they are immutable. You may not change the length or the types of the e...